Introduction to Shiny

Session - publishing

Zoë Turner

Brief overview of options

  • Details of the options, and implications for sensitive data can be found on NHS-R’s Statement on Tools

  • Wherever data is sensitive the ideal is to host a Shiny app using something like Posit Connect.

  • More information on non-sensitive data options can be followed from the Shiny Intro book from PsyTeachR.

  • Setting that up is beyond the scope of this course but there will be people in NHS-R Community who have experience of doing this in their organisations.

Share in an R package

For other R users one of the best ways to launch the Shiny, without having to open a particular script and run a button, it is possible to launch it from an R package.

Creating an R package is easy to set up with a package called {usethis} and there is a great slide deck on how to get set up started through R Forwards:

Hosting for non-sensitive/simple apps

Free options:

Hosting for sensitive data

End session